CLトレーニング 実践編 L.1 解答
- It is a massive body of salt water that covers a large part of the earth’s surface.
CLトレーニング 実践編 L.1 解答
- It is a massive body of salt water that covers a large part of the earth’s surface.
CLトレーイング 実践編 L.1
- What is the “sea”?
海岸線のかなたに広がる青い海 … 沖を航海する船のほか島一つ見えない大海原 … 。感覚的にイメージ思考でとらえようとしても、本質はつかめない。物質(substance)は気体、個体、液体に分けられる。海は液体、つまり水、大量の水だ。
- It is a massive body of water that covers most of the earth’s surface.
CLトレーニング 実践編
… for the first several days ___ and nights ___ of the meetings it appeared as if both sides would never be able to get together, even to the point of the one understanding what the other was talking about.
____ Miller, Roy Andrew. Japan’s Modern Myth.
CLトレーニング L.48 解答例
- Because they believe discussion can help clarify opinions and work out mutual problems.
CLトレーニング L.48 出題
- Why do Americans often discus and argue?
- __________________________________________________________.
CLトレーニング L.47 解答例
1, - I don’t think Japanese tend to avoid discussions. I mean, how could they settle differences of opinions then?
2. - Japanese rend to avoid discussions because many of them find it difficult to tolerate different opinions or a differing of opinions.
CLトレーニング L.46 反論例
- You are lying. If you had seen it before you washed it, you would have done something about it to prevent this kink of customer complaint. That’s what you check the clothes for before you wash them, right?