CLトレーニング L.29 解答
B: Meow.
CLトレーニング L.29 解答
B: Meow.
CLトレーニング L.29 出題
A: What would you have said if you had been a cat in the story?
B: A cat cannot talk, so I wouldn’t have said anything.
B: _________________________.
CLトレーニング L.28 解答
D: Some 40 years.
P: For God’s sake, doctor, tell me how much time I’ve got left?
D: Oh, come off it, Harry, how many times do I have to tell you that you haven’t got cancer!
D: ______________________________________.
B: Are you kidding me? I’ve got a wife and two kids. A thousand yen a day doesn’t even cover the grocery bills.
問 27: Aの質問に、Bは堂々巡りをして要を得ない。Bに代わって、単刀直入に答えなさい。
A: Why can’t you live on 1,000 yen a day?
B: Because we are a family of four.
A: What do you mean by that?
B: It means that each member has to live on 250 a day.
A: What do you mean by that?
B: It means that you can’t spend more than 100 for each meal.
A: And what do you mean by that?
B: If means that you have less than 100 yen for a breakfast.
B: _________________________________________________________________.
L.26 解答
解答例 25
A: Could I have another fork, please. I dropped this on the floor.