CLトレーニング L.44 解答例
- I have to disagree. How about a hundred meter breaststroke.
CLトレーニング L.44 解答例
- I have to disagree. How about a hundred meter breaststroke.
CLトレーニング L.44 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- The tortoise wouldn’t stand a chance in any race against the hare if the hare gave it all he had. What do you say?
- You’re right. The tortoise wouldn’t stand a chance in any race if the hare gave it all he had. The tortoise is just not cut out for a racer.
「any raceが気になる。anyと言うとスピードを競うすべての競争にjなる」
“Race” in a broad term is any competition in which speed is contested.
CLトレーニング L.43 解答例
- Who knows? All I can say is that the odds would be just as much against the tortoise as they were the first time.
CLトレーニング L.43 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- How could the hare have underestimated the tortoise’s athletic competency?
- I don’t think that’s what happened. It was the careless nap that caused the upset.
CLトレーニング l.42 解答例
Who knows? All I can say is that odds would be just as much against the tortoise as they were the first time.
CLトレーニング L.42 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- Would the tortoise beat the hare if they raced again?
⭐︎ tortoise and hare = ウサギとカメの競争のお話
- I don’t know. Anything can happen in a race.
- It’ possible that the hare would win this time. After all hares do run faster than the tortoises and it’s unlikely that the hare in question would let itself get caught off guard again.
CLトレーニング l.41 解答例
- A baby alligator, what else, unless its mother’s been fooling around with a macho crocodile.