CLトレーニング L.23 解答例
- The spines serve two major purposes: 1) to discourage animals from developing habit of sinking their teeth into water-rich cactus that they can lay their eyes on, and 2) to minimize the loss of water by evaporation.
CLトレーニング L.23 解答例
- The spines serve two major purposes: 1) to discourage animals from developing habit of sinking their teeth into water-rich cactus that they can lay their eyes on, and 2) to minimize the loss of water by evaporation.
CLトレーニング L.23 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- Why is a cactus equipped with sharp spines?
- Because dull and rounded spines are less efficient in discouraging enemies from harassing it. They don’t hurt. They just tickle.
- The plant would be chewed alive by any thirsty creature that comes along since the whole planet is a rich water source in the desert.
- They also protect the plant from desiccation, minimizing the loss of water by evaporation.
Merry X'mas
Happy New Year 2024
to you all!
CLトレーニング L.22 解答例
- Accessibility to the sun and water differs from habitat to habitat. It is logical that leaves adapt themselves to geographical and climatic conditions of their locality by developing more suitable forms.
CLトレーニング L.22 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- If the basic biological function of a leaf is one and the same for all plants, why aren’t all plant leaves standardized in shape?
日本語思考 vs 英語思考
- Why are you learning English?(なぜ英語を学ぶのか?)という質問に、英会話学校の生徒は、よく次のように答える。
- Because I want to speak better English.
それは言わずもがなだ。英語では、このように自明の理(the obvious)は答えにならないし、尋ねもしない。「それでは答えにならない」と言うと、次のように言い直す。
- Because I can’t speak English well.
上手ならば習いに来ないだろう。このような返答にネイティブの先生は少なからず戸惑う。ところが答えている本人は、ごくまともな会話をしているつもりなのだ。こういった英語は、いわば日本国内だけに通用する「和式英語 = 日本人の思考と発想を英語にしたもの」なのだが、そんなことは夢にも思わないのだ。
CLトレーニング L.21 解答例
- Plants die from just about the same causes humans die from, old age, diseases, disasters and all. The only way they are distinguished from humans in causes of death is that they don’t overdose on sleeping pills.