問4 解答例
- I don’t think Americans are angry at Japanese businesses. They wouldn’t Japanese products if they were. I believe though that Washington is understandably frustrated about its inability to balance trade figures between the countries.
問4 解答例
- I don’t think Americans are angry at Japanese businesses. They wouldn’t Japanese products if they were. I believe though that Washington is understandably frustrated about its inability to balance trade figures between the countries.
問2 解答例
- Probably Japanese enterprises are not fair and square and they are concerned that their partner may discover that.
問3 解答例
- So long as people are selling and buying from each other and making profits through it, I don’t see that it is an unhealthy commercial relationship.
As for the “imbalance”, has there ever been a truly balanced trade in the ledger book of human history?
問3 Give your opinion on the following.
Q: A long term trade imbalance doesn’t breed a healthy relationship between the partners involved. What do you think? A:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
“healthy”が何を指すかが重要だ。“commercially healthy” と“politically healthy”では話が違う。質問する時は、この点を明白に絞るべきだ。そうでなければ、答える側に選択権を与える。
問2 Give your opinion on the following.
Q: Why do Japanese industrialists seem so nervous about even preoccupied with their trade surplus? A:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
通訳:What kind of ball did you hit?
外人選手:It wasn’t a volleyball.
投球の種類を聞くならば「What kind of pitch did you hit?」になるはずで、英訳は「どんなボールか」つまりテニスボールかゴルフボールかになる。そこで「バレーボールじゃなかったよ」というユーモラスな答えが帰るが、反応はない。
問 1. 解答例
- Trade surplus can by no means be a problem for those who have earned it … so long as it is earned fairly and squarely.