CLトレーニング L.37 解答例
- According to Darwinistic observations, stone-eaters have long been extinct, leaving non-stone-eaters as the predominant species of the snake family.
CLトレーニング L.37 解答例
- According to Darwinistic observations, stone-eaters have long been extinct, leaving non-stone-eaters as the predominant species of the snake family.
CLトレーニング L.37 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- Why don’t snakes eat pebbles?
- It’s natural that they don’t. Pebbles have little nutritious value and could be detrimental to health.
CLトレーニング L.36 解答例
- Even though alligators are big mouthed, they are only so in a physical context. When they hunt, they’d rather be silent and discreet. When they digest and sunbathe, They’d rather be quiet and undisturbed. When they make love, they are not exactly exhibitionists. And those are the major activities of their rather reclusive life.
CLトレーニング L.36 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- Why are alligators so silent?
- Reptiles are generally quiet by nature. You seldom hear snakes and lizards screeching and roaring at each other.
- Don’t you believe it. They could be the noisiest bunch on earth. It’s just that we can’t tune into their vocal frequencies.
CLトレーニング L.35 出題 次の質問にCLに答えなさい。
- Why don’t animals develop cavities?
A) 質問の前提を受け入れる人の答え。
- Because they don’t eat sweets.
B) 質問の前提を受け入れられない人の答え。
- I don’t see why they can be free from dental problems. It isn’t just man-made sweets that cause cavities, you know.
CLトレーニング L.25 解答例
- I’m not aware of it if they do. You’ll never see them at the dentist’s office.
CLトレーニング L.34 解答例
1. - He might He doesn’t know what to do with the diamond but he surely knows what to do with the banana.
2. - You are asking the wrong person, I mean “the wrong primate”. Ask a monkey.